讲员:朱志山牧师(Pastor: Vincent Choo)
地点(Conference location):Hilton Garden Inn Fairfax(3950 Fair Ridge Drive Fairfax,Virginia 22033 USA)
若须住宿,订房(hotel room reservation)weblink: http://group.hiltongardeninn.com/CLCWDCRemnantConference
(Special room rate:$60/day(the rate only available untill 11/15/17),each room can be occupied with 2 guests)
Theme: Take captive every thought in a consuming world
Key Verse: <2 Cor 10:5>.
We are living in a consuming world. The frightening thing is, we are being consumed every minute, without us knowing so. Starting from the way we think and will our every act, our thoughts, emotions, and will are already taken captive at every minute, by the culture of this world. By the time we realise this, we find ourselves knowing the Truth, yet unable to live by the Truth. Reason being, we have not taken captive every of our thoughts, and yielding them in obedience to Christ.
We might be learning the Truth in the church, yet we unknowingly let ourselves be consumed by our needs, ideals, dreams, etc, so much so that we (most people in church) are merely learning how the Truth is relevant to our lives instead of learning the Truth for the Truth itself. Pretension, is what the Bible deems to be so common in today's fallen world. Involuntary helplessness, is another reality which many believers are faced with. So young remnants, let’s gather during this thanksgiving weekend to learn the gospel in a way such that we take every thought captive, and make it obedient to Christ.
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